October 12 – 14 2018
Integrative Wing Chun’s 5th workshop will be bigger than ever, as this is one of the club’s most historical guests to arrive and train with us. Come join us, to train with our grandmaster; Sifu Chow.
Sifu Chow has studied Wing Chun ever since he was 17 years old in Hong Kong, his previous master being master Ng Wah Sum. Grandmaster Yip Man would stop by to give some advice to master Ng Wah Sum or have tea at his Kung Fu academy. Sifu Chow was able to witness the full display of grandmaster Yip Man’s Wing Chun, via demonstrations done by his students. While Sifu Chow studied various martial arts styles and even participated in body building he found the style which suited him. As stated in his website, “He was fascinated by Wing Chun’s economical techniques” favoring techniques such as the sticky hands training technique , following Bruce Lee’s philosophy of “be like water”.
He currently continues to train in the art of Wing Chun, and has been teaching his style in New York for over 40 years. He is the founder of Integrative Wing Chun and continues to not only carry grandmaster Yip Man’s legacy, but he continues to bring Wing Chun as a martial art to new and creative levels. While he currently teaches Wing Chun at Westport Boxing MMA Gym, he does conduct several seminars around the world. We are so lucky to have him here!
We urge you, come join us! This workshop will be an experience for various martial artists, non-martial artists, and current Wing Chun practitioners. It will be a weekend filled with knowledge, of various techniques, of the history, and how Wing Chun can apply to our everyday life. Learn and apply new things not only to your current martial arts knowledge, but to life in general. As Bruce Lee said, “take whatever useful”, so come learn with us, everyone is welcome!